There’s no crying in the Costco hot dog line!

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. But I’m learning to then, try again. And then go get the right form and come back again. And then that still might not be right.

One of the things we are figuring out whilst (I’m picking up the vernacular) living in the U.K. is how to just get things done, like setting up bank accounts, our utility bill, getting a phone number and provider, cable, Internet, heck – even the trash and recycling. Continue reading “There’s no crying in the Costco hot dog line!”

We promised castles. They got IKEA instead.

The first couple of weeks in England have come and gone and I am wondering how they passed so quickly. From the blurry moment of arrival to the hotel, where we arrived after gathering our bags from the airport, and Nathaniel and I fell asleep on the couches in the middle of lobby because our room wasn’t ready (got a few looks for that) …to the countless hours of running errands to get things for the house…to finally being in the house and starting to get settled and sending the boys off to school. Continue reading “We promised castles. They got IKEA instead.”

Drink the nice wine, eat the free plane food.

As the planning for this move was happening, I kept saying to others, as a way to reinforce it to myself – “I mean, there’s no way that on the day of our flight, our cars will be gone, our house will be closed, and everything will be perfectly wrapped up before we go.” And partly, that’s true. But we worked our tails off to get as close as possible. Continue reading “Drink the nice wine, eat the free plane food.”