Spring Break in Scotland: The Coast & Countryside

IMG_6814On Friday morning, we loaded into the car and headed out of Edinburgh without much of a plan. We had heard about St. Andrews, a seaside town on the east coast of Scotland, less than two hours from Edinburgh. We pointed the car in that direction, heading out of the city over the Queensferry Crossing bridge, one of the Forth Bridges ā€“ three side-by-side bridges built in three different centuries to cross the Firth of Forth. Continue reading “Spring Break in Scotland: The Coast & Countryside”

Spring Break in Scotland: First Stop, Edinburgh



Scotland had been at the top of our list for a visit, and over the Easter spring break, we went for it. Our criteria for this trip: see a few key things in Edinburgh but not run ourselves ragged, see something outside of Edinburgh, me: chill in hot tub. We managed to kind of do all of these things. Edinburgh is a fantastic city ā€“ so much to see and do, so Iā€™m going to do one post just about our time there. Continue reading “Spring Break in Scotland: First Stop, Edinburgh”